Meditation Retreat
During the retreat we will provide comprehensive information on two interrelated subjects: Meditation and Dhamma. The participants will get a thorough understanding of three different meditation techniques and the basics of Buddhism.
Life involves both understanding and experience, and both of these support and build upon the other. Thus, right meditation depends on right understanding, and understanding is deepened and more thoroughly realized through experience. The Dhamma talks offered during the retreat give a comprehensive explanation of why to meditate. This kind of understanding is necessary for meditation practice to develop fully. Dhamma teachings are not presented as religious articles of faith, but as helpful support for the meditation practice. We ask that you relax personal opinions in order to investigate the new perspectives offered.
In addition to this information and advice, we will try to create a healthy atmosphere for exploring meditation and experimenting with Dhamma practice. Our belief in simple living shows in the food and accommodations. These and the daily schedule may take some adjusting to, but after a few days you will begin to see how they help calming the mind.
In addition to this information and advice, we will try to create a healthy atmosphere for exploring meditation and experimenting with Dhamma practice. Our belief in simple living shows in the food and accommodations. These and the daily schedule may take some adjusting to, but after a few days you will begin to see how they help calming the mind.
MeditationThe meditation instructions cover:
Dhamma Talks
The core of the Buddha’s teaching is summarized in the Four Noble Truths. These Four Noble Truths are the focus of the teaching at Dipabhāvan. In order to deeply understand these truths one needs to understand some basic underlying principles as well. During the courses you will learn about: