Dipabhāvan Foundation and related locations
Dipabhāvan Foundation
Since the Dipabhāvan Meditation Center has been established in 2004, it has continuously carried out meditation retreats and other activities to promote Buddhism to the public for both Thais and foreigners.
During these years Dipabhāvan Meditation Center has been operated and supported by ordained and lay Buddhists as well as by the public and the local government sector. This support enabled the meditation center to provide two other solitude locations where practitioners can deepen their meditation practice in a favorable environment - the forest parks Dhamma Bheri and Sikharinsindhu (see below).
As a consequence the Dipabhāvan Meditation Center was not only able to enhance and expand its capability in promoting Buddhism widely in form of meditation retreats in suitable places, but the forest parks additionally allow introducing, teaching and practicing activities to preserve the forest and the environment to primary pupils, teenagers, university students, government officers as well as to public and private organizations.
In order to allow more flexibility in supporting and promoting Buddhism and other activities serving the public good, the Dipabhāvan Meditation Center applied for establishing the “Dipabhāvan Foundation”. The Dipabhāvan Foundation has been registered as a Foundation by The Governor of Surat Thani on August 31, 2010, registration no. 4/2553.
According to the registration request, the objectives of the foundation are as follows:
During these years Dipabhāvan Meditation Center has been operated and supported by ordained and lay Buddhists as well as by the public and the local government sector. This support enabled the meditation center to provide two other solitude locations where practitioners can deepen their meditation practice in a favorable environment - the forest parks Dhamma Bheri and Sikharinsindhu (see below).
As a consequence the Dipabhāvan Meditation Center was not only able to enhance and expand its capability in promoting Buddhism widely in form of meditation retreats in suitable places, but the forest parks additionally allow introducing, teaching and practicing activities to preserve the forest and the environment to primary pupils, teenagers, university students, government officers as well as to public and private organizations.
In order to allow more flexibility in supporting and promoting Buddhism and other activities serving the public good, the Dipabhāvan Meditation Center applied for establishing the “Dipabhāvan Foundation”. The Dipabhāvan Foundation has been registered as a Foundation by The Governor of Surat Thani on August 31, 2010, registration no. 4/2553.
According to the registration request, the objectives of the foundation are as follows:
- to introduce and promote Dipabhāvan Meditation Center as a place for guiding and training morality;
- to instruct and cultivate moral conduct and virtues amongst the young generation on Samui Island and other places;
- to promote the sufficient economy - “to be mindful in consumption”;
- to promote the chemical-free production and consumption of food and other products;
- to promote preserving the natural resources and environment, e.g. the forest, earth, water;
- to support the public health in the way the foundation can do;
- to support or cooperate with other charity organizations to benefit the public;
- not to engage in any kind of political activities.
Suan Dhamma Bheri - The Garden of the Dhamma's Drum
Suan Dhamma Bheri is another place related to Dipabhāvan to connect with nature – inside and outside of your body and mind. Signs on the trees may inspire you to reflect on your life and the environment we are all depending on.
Apart from the participants of Dipabhāvan everybody is welcome to make use of the provided facilities as long as you stick to the following regulations:
Apart from the participants of Dipabhāvan everybody is welcome to make use of the provided facilities as long as you stick to the following regulations:
Sikharinsindhu Forest Park
The pressure of tourism and related agricultural developments endanger the remaining natural forests with its rich variety of plants and wildlife, the water supply and other resources on Koh Samui.
The Dipavhāvan Foundation tries to help preserving and even rehabilitating parts of the remaining natural forests for the future by taking care of and protecting an area called Sikharinsindhu Forest Park. Sikharinsindhu Forest Park is located on a hill, about 570 meters above sea level, close to the center of Koh Samui. The 15-rai (24,000 square meters) park, once a virgin rain forest, is already surrounded by orchards and may be destroyed soon if not protected. As the area is at present still quite away from the dwellings of people, traffic and associated disturbances, the condition of the forest park is fairly intact. The air is still pure, clean and cool; it is quiet and peaceful. The serene environment and the close contact to nature in Sikharinsindhu Forest Park are very supportive to the development of concentration and insight meditation. When directly experiencing the deeply calming, happiness inducing effect of the natural rain forest's atmosphere on our minds, we can easily appreciate the value of this environment for our mental well being. Apart from the immeasurable ecological benefits, the spiritual benefits of Sikharinsindhu Forest Park urge us to protect and preserve it for the benefit of the many – today and in the future. |